

 The Manhattan project impacted energy development, modern warfare and forever changed the geopolitical landscape. It started when Albert Einstien and Leo Szilard wrote a letter to President Roosevelt telling him that the Nazis were possibly researching nuclear reactions and how to apply this technology into weaponry. This not only broke the barrier in energy and weaponry, but it also created another barrier by making people forever fearful of nuclear war.

 UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill meets with Roosevelt in June 1942. During this meeting, the two world leaders finalized plans for an atomic bomb.

Date: June 25th, 1942


Nuclear Energy

The Manhatten Project was all about turning nuclear energy into bombs.The Manhattan Project scientists used nuclear fission to make the bombs. We make nuclear energy by splitting atoms in a reactor to heat water into steam which turns a turbine to create energy.

Modern Warfare

Nuclear weapons changed how we fight wars because they don't just kill soldiers they also kill civilians. Countries with nuclear weapons have a lot more power than countries without nuclear weapons. Because of this, the United States has a responsibility to be careful with the use of nuclear weapons. Although the US cannot be a global police force, we can encourage other countries to be careful. This duty falls to America in part because it was an American who first developed nuclear weapons. The US has a moral obligation to demonstrate how to be responsible with nuclear power.

Geopolitical Landscape

Nuclear warfare has ever impacted geopolitical decisions from the Cold War and the U.S-Russia arms race all the way through present-day Iranian nuclear deal and negotiations with North Korea. ​​​​​​​

"Mankind invented the atomic bomb, but no mouse would ever construct a mousetrap".

~ Albert Einstien